May 28, 2021Liked by Barry Adams

Barry, my deepest condolences for your loss. A big hug to you and all the family.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Barry Adams


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Thank you very much fot this post.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Barry Adams

Hey Barry fist of all congrats for the topic.

I would be very interested if you can share how do you improve publishers pages when they have ads, especially when ads are not from Google but other 3rd party scripts.

Thank you in advance 🤙

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Hi Alexandru! Yes many ad slots don't have a known size until the ad actually loads. This means Cumulative Layout Shift is almost unavoidable. You can minimise this to an extent by defining minimum sizes for the ad slots so that the browser can reserve that space for the ad once it loads. This will cut down on CLS issues, but won't fully fix them.

If at all possible, you'll want to define specific sizes for every ad slot that the ad *must* adhere to and which you can then define properly in the page template, so that there are never any CLS issues from ads.

First Contentful Paint issues should never arise from ads, as they should always load asynchronously. Same with First Input Delay - and FID issues from ads means the ad tech code is sloppy and inefficient. Slap your ad provider a bit if their ad tech causes either of those problems.

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Jul 4, 2021Liked by Barry Adams

Dear Barry, first and foremost, sorry about your Grandmother. This story is fascinating. All of my grandparents, uncles and relatives went through the WW2. My parents were young children and also lived through the whole war. Second, thank you so much for the compilation of CWV articles. A lot to digest - excellent info! Thank you again.

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